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What will our project look like?
What will our indicators be?
Built on resident and professional interaction and feedback, together we will decide what biophilic ideas suit the town best.
Partner cities must create and commit to at least one indicator in each of the following categories:
Natural conditions, qualities, infrastructure
Biophilic engagement, participation, activities, knowledge
Biophilic institutions, planning, and governance
Human health/well-being
What does the partner application require?
We will create an application to submit to the Biophilic Cities Network. To become a partner, the following are required:
Official Resolution by the Town Government
Narrative statement
Identify at least 5 indicators to monitor progress
Designate a town contact or coordinator
Assist fellow partners and participate in partner events, workshops and conferences.
One-time fee of $250 USD
What does being a partner
look like?
Partner status is initially awarded for 2 years, and is renewable for subsequent periods of 2-5 years.
Being a partner brings the opportunity to coordinate and learn from other partner cities.
Partnership also means holding our end of the deal by keeping up with expectations and indicators.
What do we have to do?
Our requirements and responsibilities after being awarded partnership consist of our decided indicators and the following requirements:
Yearly expectations:
Share at least one blog post, short best practice case or video-report
​Participate in at least one webinar, workshop or conference call
​Respond to requests for assistance from other partners where possible
​Host possible visits from delegations from other partners when possible
​Attend where/when possible our yearly or semi-yearly Biophilic Cities world conference
​Assist individuals and organizational members of the Network located in your area
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